AERMOD Met Data Services

Met Data Services

We provide AERMET and AERMOD Model-ready Meteorological and Terrain datasets for any specific location. The data is pre-processed appropriately to the standards of U.S. EPA.

Met Data - Same Day Delivery

Within 24-hour, we deliver model-ready files for any location inside INDIA for direct AERMOD or AERMET or CALPUFF model run.

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Online Format Conversion Tool


Online tool for AERMOD Model Users. (beta version)

Last modified 7d 4h ago

An online tool that helps you to generate your own hourly surface meteorological data files, which can be used to run AERMET.

This tool converts hourly surface meteorological data which is contained in an Excel file to the SAMSON file format. Use of SAMSON file format is quite common among AERMOD users, because, AERMET can extract hourly surface weather observations from SAMSON file. AERMET can not extract meteoroglogical data from Excel file. AERMET is preprocessor for organizing available meteorological data into a format suitable for use by the AERMOD air dispersion model.

SAMSON (Solar And Meteorological Surface Observation Network) is one of the several standard format used storage and distribution meteorological data.

AERMET is preprocessor for organizing available meteorological data into a format suitable for use by the AERMOD air dispersion model.

Excel File Format for SAMSON File

File Preparation

The excel file must have the Parameter Identifier in the first row of the respective data column. The highlighted parameters are mandatory.

YYYearYYYY (as 2022)
MMMonthMM (as 01-12)
DDDateDD (as 01-31)
HHHourHH (as 00-23)
WSWind Speedm/s
WDWind Directionfrom Noth
ATAmbient TemperatureoC
RHRelative Humidity%
CCCloud Covertenth
SPStation Pressuremb
CHCeiling Heightm
GRNew Global Radiationwh/m2
Excel File Format for SAMSON File
Important Note

For now this application does not convert units therefore, the unit of the data in the file must be as indicated in the table.

Use negative (-) sign with degree (latitude/longitude) to indicate WEST or SOUTH

Missing Data Processing:

The application may estimate Global Radiation , Ceiling Height, Dew Point, Relative Humidity if the primary parameteres are availble. To enable this option tick the check box "Estimate Missing Data".

Station Details

Station Coordinates and Elevation

Upload Excel File (XLSX only)

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A truly integrated US EPA AERMOD air dispersion modelling system - AERMET, AERMAP and BPIPRM within ONE Interface.

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