
Wind rose Plotting Software

AERMODCloud Software

pavanaarekh is a wind rose plotting software application. It provides visual wind rose plots, frequency analysis, and plots for several meteorological data formats.

pavanaarekh is a FREE software

Support multiple file formats like, *.xls; *.xlsx; *.csv; *.asc (ISCST3); *.sfc (AERMOD); *.pfl (AERMOD); *.sam (SAMSON).


AERMODCloud Software

Experience the power of a truly integrated AERMOD air dispersion modelling system with AERMOD Cloud. Our innovative platform combines AERMOD, AERMET, AERMAP, and BPIPRM into a single, user-friendly interface, making it easier than ever to model the dispersion of air pollutants from various emission sources.

Designed primarily for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) studies, AERMOD Cloud provides advanced capabilities for modeling the dispersion of air pollutants from point, area, volume, open pit, line, and polygon area sources. With AERMOD Cloud, you can take your air quality assessments to the next level and make more informed decisions about the environmental impact of your projects.

In general, when relative humidity is high, the atmosphere may be more stable and less turbulent, which can reduce mixing height.

How Relative Humidity and Mixing Height are related?

Relative humidity and mixing height are both important factors that influence the dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere.

Relative humidity is a measure of the amount of water vapor in the air relative to the maximum amount of water vapor that the air can hold at a given temperature. When relative humidity is high, the air is saturated with water vapor and cannot hold much more moisture. This can have an impact on the behavior of pollutants, as they may react with water vapor or become more soluble in the presence of high humidity.

Mixing height, on the other hand, refers to the height at which the atmosphere becomes well-mixed, allowing pollutants to disperse more evenly throughout the air. Mixing height is influenced by a variety of factors, including temperature, wind speed, and atmospheric stability. In general, when the atmosphere is unstable and there is a lot of turbulence, mixing height tends to be higher.

The relationship between relative humidity and mixing height is complex and depends on a variety of factors. In general, when relative humidity is high, the atmosphere may be more stable and less turbulent, which can reduce mixing height. This is because water vapor can act as a stabilizing agent in the atmosphere, making it more difficult for air masses to rise and mix with surrounding air. On the other hand, low relative humidity can lead to more turbulent conditions and higher mixing heights.

However, the relationship between relative humidity and mixing height can vary depending on local conditions, and other factors such as temperature and wind speed may have a greater influence on mixing height than relative humidity alone. Therefore, it is important to consider a range of factors when assessing the potential impact of relative humidity and mixing height on pollutant dispersion.

Research and Development Team, Envitrans

R&D Team - Ideation >> Theorising >> Research and Exploration >> Design and Development.

Wind rose diagrams for selected stations in India

Wind rose diagrams for selected stations in India are freely available. The distributions of the resultant wind direction and speed are in units of percent. Wind speed is displayed as a function of direction in seven speed classes.

air dispersion models ready Data Services

Meteorological Data Services

We offer CALPUFF, AERMOD, AERMET ready WRF data for direct input into dispersion models.

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